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umm ma bad, life of the prophet muhammad

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Muhammad and Abû Bakr are feted by Umm Ma'badah's tribe.

Muhammad and Abû Bakr are feted by Umm Ma'badah's tribe.

Life of the Prophet Muhammad written at the order of the Mamluk sultan al-Mansûr 'Alâ' al-Dîn 'Alî (d. 778/1376). The work was first illustrated during the reign of the Ottoman sultan Murâd III.

Muhammad and his followers arrive outside Medina and are greeted by the inhabitants, many of whom ask the Prophet to stay with them.

Muhammad and his followers arrive outside Medina and are greeted by th...

Life of the Prophet Muhammad written at the order of the Mamluk sultan al-Mansûr 'Alâ' al-Dîn 'Alî (d. 778/1376). The work was first illustrated during the reign of the Ottoman sultan Murâd III.

The Quraysh discuss the conversion of seventy-two Medinans.

The Quraysh discuss the conversion of seventy-two Medinans.

Life of the Prophet Muhammad written at the order of the Mamluk sultan al-Mansûr 'Alâ' al-Dîn 'Alî (d. 778/1376). The work was first illustrated during the reign of the Ottoman sultan Murâd III.